The Story...

When a woman's heart is rooted in peace and joy, her appearance radiates vitality.

Meet Meredith

Founder of Pure Vitality Med Spa

Meredith Moses, owner and founder of Pure Vitality Med Spa, brings her passion for caring for others from her extensive background in critical care to the world of aesthetics and wellness. Her dedication to personalized care ensures that each client at Pure Vitality receives individual attention and exceptional results. Meredith has built a highly skilled and compassionate team that shares her vision for empowering clients to look and feel their best. As a devoted wife, boy mom, and animal lover, Meredith is all about uplifting those around her. Whether it’s her clients, team members, or friends, she believes in the power of support and empowerment. Alongside her husband, who serves as her unwavering support, Meredith is committed to guiding every client on a journey to a healthier, more vibrant, and ageless version of themselves. Trust in Meredith and her team to provide the care and expertise you deserve.

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